
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rachel's Hockey Experiance


On a Wednesday morning, we had our first kiwi sport for Term 3, Hockey. Room 7 was the first class to begin with the Hockey Session. We head into the hall because it was raining outside. The Instructor split us into 3 groups.  First we started with warm ups before we begin. Running to the end of the hall was the first warm up we did. Following on we did monkey crawls. Afterwards we begin to start with the skills, first was the Marble. We started to do competitions as well, to see who would get the most score of doing the balancing the ball on the stick. One student got 101. From then we got into 2 groups because we were going to play a game of Hockey. He calls a number and that amount of people have to run and try get the ball into the goal net. At the end he calls everyone to come in, my group was trying to get the ball into the other goal net because we haven’t had a score yet. Our Session had ended, we all said “Thank you” to the instructor.

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