
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Joshua's Hockey Experience

Today we had wonderful session playing Hockey, Hockey is not a popular sport here in New Zealand maybe but for me it is not. Room 7 was all in the Hall, when we were settled we saw our Hockey Instructor ( Unknown ). I think that he is really good at playing Hockey.

After that he was separate us into groups , well I was in group #1 and the rest were split up into groups. After that we had a warm-up, the warm-up was to run from one side to the other. After that we were all tired from running from one side to the other. Next we had to bear crawl from one side to the other, that game was sort of boring and tiring because you had to crawl with your knees up.

Later on the instructor told us to go and stand next to where the hockey bats were, the instructor told us few rules what to do and not do with the bats because it can hurt someone real hard. After that the instructor told us to practise some skills with the hockey bat so we can start learning more tricks with the hockey bats. After that he told us that we should have a hockey game, so we were split up into 2 equal groups so we coud play the game. We had to to play a hockey game and whoever wins, was the winners of the day.

After that we all had to say a big thanks to our instructor for coming to our school to teach us hockey, he will be coming into our school for the next 4 weeks to 6 weeks to teach us how to play hockey.
I really enjoyed my first lesson of playing Hockey!!

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