
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our Holy Week Crucifix

Learn: To create a crucifix using anything from nature and to think about Jesus and his suffering.
            To write a prayer or use words to express our feeling and thoughts about the Holy Week and
            the liturgical celebration around it.

Passion Liturgy

Monday, March 26, 2018

Friday, March 23, 2018

How to be a Leader

Health Caravan

ROOM 7 was in the Health Caravan with Lyn. She is amazing in helping us think about the changes that we go through in our teenage years.  It made sense. Thank you Lyn.

What we learnt in the Life Education Caravan

Learn: I learnt something(s) from the Life Education Caravan
Blog Spots:
Joseph's BlogSetaita's BlogEwan's Blog

What Did We Learn In The Health Caravan

Learn: I learnt something(s) from the Life Education Caravan
Blog Spots:
Aaliyah's BlogOpi's BlogHelena's BlogMaris Stella's Blog

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Just Dessert By Fiapo

Learn: I can recall the facts about the character in the story that I read.
REMEMBERING - What are the facts?

God's Creations - Trees By Aaliyah

To recognize that creation shows God's glory and goodness to the world.

Basic Facts Test By Mikaela

Friday, March 2, 2018

"Virtue" by Opi

Opi's Blog Spot
Learn: I understand the meaning of the word virtue.God desires humanity to grow in virtue.

The Process of a Lockdown by Mikaela

Learn: I understand the process when there is
a lockdown in school.
Task: Write or create an infographic to explain the process of a
Lock Down in our School:

❗Lock Down❗

Lock Down / By Mei Vunivesilevu

Learn: I understand the process when there is

a lockdown at school.
Lockdown is process in response to an emergency, such as, a vicious dog in
in the school ground or someone who is being chased by the police and he or she
is likely to come to our school. In other case, if there is a mad person who has a
gun or any weapon that might hurt us.

First: Once we hear the bell going on and off, on and off continuously,
we know that there is an emergency. We move quickly to the nearest building.

Secondly: We have to help the adult or teacher to lock your doors in our classroom or building. We have to close the windows too.
We leave your blinds/curtains open!

Thirdly: We get on the ground and lay on your stomach. We have to be quite and stay calm and wait for the next instructions.

Lastly : We do not open the door or get up until the principal or staff member will come to our classroom and tell us it is safe to come out.

† Ewan's Virtue Poster †

Below is Ewan's Virtue Poster
Click this Link to see his blog...

Learn: To find the keywords to understand the meaning of virtue.
Explanation: A virtue is a quality that leads to good things, A virtuous person is someone who always tries to do good and to persevere in what is good even when it is difficult.

Malachi's Reading


Tonga Hit by Cyclone Gita by Ailini

Ailini's Blog Spot

Tonga Hit by the worst storm in 60 - years

Friday 16 February 2018

The cyclone Gita hit Tonga around 8pm on Monday night, around 11pm and 2am the cyclone Gita hit the south coast of the main island of Tongatapu. Electricity, trees, houses, church, dairies, hospitals and schools were all damaged. It was the strongest cyclone to pass the main island in Tonga in 60 years. New Zealand have provided them $750,000.

Understanding the word "Virtue" by Fiapo

Fiapo's Blog Spot
Learn: To understand the meaning of the word Virtue. 
God desires humanity to grow in Virtue.
Task: To create an infographic that shows your understanding of the word Virtue.

Understanding the word "Virtue" by Fiapo

Fiapo's Blog Spot
Learn: To understand the meaning of the word Virtue. 
God desires humanity to grow in Virtue.

Task: To create an infographic that shows your understanding of the word Virtue.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Understanding Virtue by George

Learn: I understand the meaning word virtue,God desires humanity to grow in virtue


Virtue Poster by Helena

Helena's Blog Spot
Learn: I understand the meaning of the word virtue God desires humanity to grow in virtue.

What are keywords? by Setaita

Setaita's Blog Spot
Use the RE text and highlight all the key words.
Below I have identified all the keywords in the text.