
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Amazing Plants


Culturally Responsive Science - Learning about Amazing Plants. This has been a fantastic learning journey for our years 5 to 8 at St. Pius X Catholic School 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Maori Hero and Political Leader

For Te Reo Maori Language Week, we read about Maori Leaders and Hero. I read about Apirana Ngata. Watch the clip to learn about him. by Monique


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Social Justice Slides

It is Social Justice Week and in TWP6 we learn about the Beatitudes. Read about it in the gospel of St. Matthew 5:1-12.

Hope you take some times to play the game and learn about the blessings we receive when we do wbat Jesus said.  By Francis

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Tongan Hero - Sr Malia Tuifu'a

 Learn: To read about a Tongan Hero and show my           understanding by creating a DLO of the person. 

by Francis

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Online Liturgy


On Friday 20 August most of the St. Pius X Catholic School gathered online for a liturgy to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Pius X our patron saint. I was leading the liturgy with the support of Leitupo and Amihuti. It was great to see so many of our senior students and the teachers. It is different but we managed to do our liturgy online.  Francis

Friday, August 20, 2021

Acrostic Poem by Amihuti

I composed an acrostic poem about St. Pius X. He is the patron saint of our school. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Amazing Plant - Kanuka and Manuka


The Similarities And Differences Between Kanuka And Manuka

 Learn : 

                                                     My group presenting to our school 

A close up view of the similarities and differences between Kanuka And Manuka
shown on the white board.

Hey everyone,

Last Friday, 13 August,  my group and I shared  at our school assembly the similarities and differences between the Manuka and Kanuka trees. Both trees are Native trees of New Zealand. This part of our learn about AMAZING PLANTS. 

Manuka and Kanuka are cousin tree, they are from the same family although the two trees look very similar and often get confused for one another. 

Both trees are has medicinal use, which means part of the trees can be used for medicine, both Manuka and Kanuka are used for the same purposes. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Poem about Kawakawa Plant

 Learn : We can write a poem to share the information about the native plant of New Zealand.

by Kalisi, Elijah, Pauline and David.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Religious Education


Traditional Catholic Prayers. By Laurence

 Today for R.E  I learned about the traditional prayer. This a prayer that has been hand down from generation to generation. Example, The Our Father or the Lord's prayer is the oldest traditional prayer. It was taught by Jesus to his apostle and we still do it today. 

In the Our Father, I learnt hat petitions means a Formal Request. In the Our father we underlined the seven petitions in the traditional payer what i have done.  

Monday, August 2, 2021

Responding to oral text




Dear Prime Minister Ardern

My name is Josaia and I am a year 7 student at St Pius X school in Glen Innes. I thank you for that wonderful speech you gave about the Dawn Raids. You have so much courage to speak out about the mistakes the government made nearly 50 years ago.   Some of our Pacific people were treated differently. Police officers judged our people for the way they looked. 

Some people were mentally damaged and traumatised because of these experiences. The fear and uncertainty they faced during the Dawn Raid is still clear in their mind today. I felt sad for them.

I like to thank you for the compensation you made towards Pacific Island communities. Thank you for the scholarships. I hope I can get a chance on it.



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Harakeke Plant

Leitupo, David and Jonah Deeper thinking Harakeke Plant

Today for inquiry my group and I (Leitupo and David) did a deeper thinking about our plant, the Harakeke plant. This drawings includes interesting facts, the threat to the Harakeke plant and how it is weaved did you know that the Harakeke name was given to the plant by the Māori people... Here is the drawing down below.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Book Review


Book Review by Leitupo

 I learnt to write a Book review on the book I read through this week.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Good Bye Mr Coakley


On Thursday 1 July, St. Pius X School farewell our principal Mr Coakley. It was a very beautiful celebration and farewell. We had a school mass in the morning and an assembly in the afternoon. We had performances from the Maori group, Samoan group and the Tongan group.  We finished off our assembly with a farewell song in 4 different languages, English, Samoan, Tongan and Fijian. That was the most moving part of our assembly. We all miss our principal Mr Coakley. He is moving to another school.

Inquiry Learning

Ecosystem - This part of our learning about Amazing Plants.  by Nasili


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021

Kowhai Tree by Aisake & Sione


Sione, Aisake & Mikayla Kowhai Tree


As part of our learning about Amazing Plants we explore and learn about native trees of New Zealand. We chose to explore the kowahit tree.  Hope you learn something from our infographic.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Book Review by Arvay

 Meet me in Horrorwood - Book Log


Here is my presentation of my book. I have been reading it for the past week and I find it very interesting.
Do you know this book?
Do you wish to become and illustrator?

Amazing Plants - Manuka Tree

Manuka Poster - By Aurora, Moala, and Solomon

WALT: Use our deep dive thinking approach to find out more information about our native tree.  
Today in class, Moala, Solomon and I made a poster about our native tree ( Manuka ) We research about what Animal that eats Manuka, what threats them, their habitat, and some interesting facts about Manuka. 

And this is our Poster:

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tree Animation


 I learned about a type of tree and used a google slide to make an animation. by Leitupo

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Amazing Plants - Puriri Tree

Part of our learning about Amazing Plants is to find out about New Zealand native trees. I choose to learn about the puriri tree. Here are some information I found. 

       This is my Graffiti page of a puriri tree.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Native Tree

 David, Jonah and Me. New Zealand native trees

We are learning about New Zealand trees.
This is important because it has been here since the first initial.
we learn more about the native trees because we use it for medicine such as Manuka and Kawakawa.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Amazing Plants - The Bush Environment

 We learn about plant/trees in 3 different environments - The bush, the sand dune and the mangroves.

My group create a diorama of the plants in the bush.

Pentecost Sunday

 Pentecost St Christopher Group

Learn: We read a text - scripture and record what happened in the text. 

              WE are able to read and identify main event in the scriptural text.

Amazing Plant - The bark by Aisake.


Aisake - What tree?

 This was about Amazing plants some tree are good, poison and i like to cilm trees.

Part of our learning about Amazing Plants is describing the bark of different native trees. 
Spot their differences. It is amazing when I took time to feel them when we went to the but.

Friday, May 21, 2021




I know I can do better than this week and last week I need to keep trying.  Leitupo

Book Review


Laurence Book Review 

    I can read to find information in a text. I only like reading comic and marvel books.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Amazing Plants - Sand dune

 MY SAND DUNES DIORAMA by Zenith and group.

This part of our learning about plants in different environment. We learn about how amazing plants are and how they adapt to their environment.  We create a diorama of the sand dunes


Amazing Plants - Mangroves

 My Mangrove Diorama

My learn for today: My learn is to make a diorama and facts about Mangroves.  

This is part of our learning about amazing plants. We explore plants in different environment. We learn about the mangroves and its environment. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

What is a plant?


What are plants?
I learnt that I can take knowledge from plants and put it on a graffiti page.
A graffiti page is key words from the article or video and put it on a google draw.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Maths- Telling the time

 Learning analogue time

 I really found it easy to learn the analogue time when I have to move the hour hand and minute hand. I also use my counting by 5 to help me.  I know that between each number is 5 minutes. I can also learn fraction from the clock face. Half, quarters, 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Religious Education


The Last Supper by Vaka

I worked with Ms Mafu and read the bible in Tongan.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Holy Week Liturgy

 On Thursday 1st April our school had a very solemn litugy to honour the holy week and remember Jesus and how he suffered for our sins.

Holy Week Liturgy


My Holy Week Liturgy Reflection.

by Nasili