
Friday, September 8, 2017

Brooke's Zoo Writing!

Animals in Zoo’s need to be freed they are born to live wild and how they want to. God put these animals on this earth to live freely not in captivity.

Click the Photo Above to View my Writing!


Anonymous said...

Well done, very thought provoking.

Phillip said...

Hi I am Phillip I liked that you have whiten about the animals how they shouldn't be in zoo I think should be in the zoo what if they are sick.

Anonymous said...

Hi brooke

I really love all your facts brooke, It really reminds me of the Zoo, Next time Reread it xx but I really enjoyed it

Keep up the good work brook !!!


Anonymous said...

I like your fact that the shouldn't be in captivity.I to agree about the animals looking like they're begging for freedom when we went to the zoo as a school trip.
Keep up the good work,