
Friday, November 11, 2011

Film Festival Entry 2011


Rachel said...

Hi St Pius x I like your movie its funny and good and a great movie.

Ms Hansell said...

Hi St Pius X students. I really enjoyed your entertaining movie. I loved the story line and the fact that you got your principal to play a part as well. Great producing!!! Congratulations on a very successful piece of entertainment. Ms Hansell (Tamaki Primary)

maxine said...

Hi Room 7 I like it when you had a main character as Rolland and you helped him get along.

Nikau said...

Wow that was really quick about how much friends he had got in one day. Was that based on a real story? I liked how he participated in jump jam man I wish I could dance like that!!!

Mei said...

Hi St Pius Room 7 I really liked that movie because it shows that yous are kind and encouraging plus I liked the music :)

Mei from Tamaki Primary.

Faith said...

Hi St Pius X I really liked your movie because that shows me that your school is very welcoming and kind to everybody, no matter what colour or who they are. Also I liked that at the end of the day there was a lot of friends for the new boy to hang out with.

Was this a true story/was that boy really new to the school?

sam said...

st pius x that was really fun

Keleni said...

Wow St Pius x students you did an amazing fresh movie it was very cool at how the boy was lonely but he had friends that would help and care for him.Keep up the amazing work.
Who was the boy that was lonely?

Tamaki Primary School

Caprice said...

OMG I really liked this video. The thing I enjoyed mostly was the lonely song. Keep up the good work and I loved it hard-core....... Was it hard to make this video???

Sela said...

Hey Room 7,

Great movie you guys made! Your school looks so welcoming. It also had some hilarious scenes! Keep up the awesome work guys!


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7 I like your movie you made
that was awesome music to match your movie.

Tiaan said...

Hi Room7 I really enjoyed watching your movie at the film festival!!!
I would just like to say thanks for giving me confidence for when I move to Tauronga !!!

Matthew T said...

Hi St Pius School. I really enjoyed watching your movie about the new kid coming to your school. You are very great actors.

I hope to see another one of your movies next year.

Matthew T

Atamani said...

I liked your movie. I liked seeing people help the boy because he was new and it would have made him feel happier. Keep up the good work.

Leka said...

I really enjoyed your movie. I liked the part when the boy was learning because it was going to help him at school. Keep up the good work.

richmond said...

Nice that was cool and he looks lonely alright.

Anonymous said...

aHi St Patrick...

Cool movie.Wish to watch the whole thing but didn't.So talented.

Anonymous said...

wow!I would like to try that your guys blogs are awsome I like to here more of your wonderflu blogs

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7 I really like the video you made about the fim festival. I'm really looking forward to some more blogs from you!!! GOOD LUCK!!!