
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Decade of Movie Making


Anonymous said...

i like the way you put all of your old cool movies and when some people that starred on the movies showed them then and now

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is ALex

I loved your movie and my favourite part about the movie was seeing that students in university react to there old movies they were in.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is simeon i really like your video because cool to see how you guys grow up <3

Anonymous said...

hi im trent,

i enjoyed watching your movie. i liked how your movie showed all your achievements through life

Anonymous said...

i like your confident speaking and i also liked the movie.
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guys My Name is Maselino At glen brae school in room 8 i realy realy like you guys video plz make anouther

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Francesca i really liked your movie,keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Salote. I really enjoyed your movie, keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

HI Saint Pius x,

My name is Tumanako and really enjoyed your show. Keep being confidant and AMAZING!

Fiona Grant said...

Kia ora SPX Nu'u,
Your movie theme is a wonderful celebration of movie making over the past 10 years. Well done taking the time to connect with and include people from past movies. Awesome!
Mrs Grant

Anonymous said...

Hi Saint Pius X,
I really enjoyed watching your movie. I liked it how you took time to connect and include people from movies from along time ago that was. What is your favourite part of the movie?

Anonymous said...

Hello St Pius X,
What a wonderful movie! It was great to look back at some of the wonderful movies that SPX have created over the past 10 years. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it. I showed some of our senior students today at Good Shepherd School and they loved it too. Keep up the great work.
God Bless
Miss G :)

Anonymous said...

hello spx nuu. I was very impressed with your movie.

From Sam

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello room 7, I am from Ruapotaka school, I enjoyed your movie because it was taking me on a journey through the years of movie making. Well done!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Aloha St.Pius I am Sione from Ruapotaka school room 9 and I like how you put all your movies together.I also like how you interviewed them what a great idea nice job.It looked good on the big screen and the song blended in with it.

Anonymous said...

Hi St Pius X, I am Alamoni from Ruapotaka School. I love your fabulous movie about your great history from St Pius X. I think this is the best one in ten fabulous movie years. Keep up the movie making!

Anonymous said...

A decade of AWESOMENESS! Congratulations to all of the stars at St Pius X! I am very impressed that you have put all of your video snippets together and found the stars of the show to reflect. What a great achievement. I look forward to the next decade of movie making and St Pius X sharing their learning.
Ngā manaakitanga

Kotipi said...

Kia Orana SPX school, your movie is so amazing. What I really liked about your movie was that you interviewed them and we saw the movie that they were in. Your movie is the most happiest I have seen all day. So congratulations on that as well. I really enjoyed your movie and I can't wait for the next one. Cheers!

Amy said...

Talofa St. Pius

My name is Amy and I really enjoyed your film because it is a great way to interact with other people. Having the idea to interview students that participated in the Film Festival when they were younger is really creative. I can really see all the effort you put into making this film. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Hi SPX school.

Wow great job making all those movies and parodies of songs, that's cool that you guys have done that. I remember when I did a film festival, it was fun and very stressful to get it done. How long did it take you to make the movies and parodies?

Sione's blog said...

Aloha St.Pius I am Sione from Ruapotaka school room 9 and I like how you put all your movies together.I also like how you interviewed them what a great idea nice job.It looked good on the big screen and the song blended in with it.