
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Story


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Room 7,
What a fantastic movie. It was really great to hear about the history of your school, St. Pius X.
Excellent costumes and it was interesting the way that you went through the photos from different years at school.
Well done.

Anonymous said...

I loved your movie by ruby.

Anonymous said...

Hello Room 7, I really enjoyed the history of your school and I also loved the old photos of the classes. Well done Room 7.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic St Pius!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7. What a wonderful timeline of your school. It is good to see that there is a variety of cultures at your school. We were very entertained by the Samoan and Tongan Dances. Thank you for displaying such a awesome movie.

Luisa and Angelica.

Room 2 said...

We love your liturgical dance and the sharing of the history of your school. Awesome job Room 7!

From Sr Evalesi and Mrs Foden and the children in Room at St Patrick's School.

Anonymous said...

Kia Ora St Pius X
I really enjoyed your movie and the song of choices you have chosen. It is good that you have done some research about your school history. I like my class movie as well, my teacher has made it really cool. Was this a whole class decision or the teacher?.

Anonymous said...

Kia orana St Pius X
I really enjoyed your movie. I loved the song choices you have chosen. Its good that you made a movie on pacific cultures. This was a great theme for your movie. How did you feel when you saw the finish of this movie

Kotipi said...

Malo E Lei Room 7, I love your movie about your history. Your history is like a generation of kids. I’m from Ruapotaka School and I don’t really know the history from my school, but I hope to know soon enough. What if you made a movie about your class history. That would be cool. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hi room 7 I am Alamoni from Ruapotaka school,I enjoyed your fabulous movie. The story of your school was so remarkable and also entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Hello Room 7 My name is Sione and I'm from room 9 Ruapotaka school and I think it's good that you remember your school history keep up the good work.