
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Faith Hope and Love

SPX_Tui_Virtue from Ana on Vimeo.

Room 7 made a  music video of the song that was composed by Deja and some of the Year 8 students in 2014.


Unknown said...

Hi Room 7. We really liked your beautiful song. Thank you for making the movie. From Room 19 @ Pt England School.

Jacqueline said...

Hello Room 7, Your song is very encouraging and it’s true you have to try at least.I loved your song because it was beautiful and of course encouraging too! Great Work!

Harlem said...

Hi room 7
We liked the song you made. After watching this people will follow Faith hope and love.

Zoe said...

I like that you were singing And.
I love that you have fait and hope.I have fait and hope too.

Courtney said...

Hi Room 7, I really like your song it was so creative and it's awesome that you wrote that yourself. You did a good job,your song encourages others just to try.
Well done

Halatoa said...
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Halatoa said...

Hey Room 7
I really enjoyed watching. You guys should make more. Great movie guys!

Sebastian said...

Hi Room 7 you have a quality motto and there is some really clear singing. You guys have done well. Your movie was really good.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the moves that you all did together,Your short video clip made me feel really special about myself. St Pius X School Your Faith, Hope and Love video is really inspiring Thank you. keep it up St Pius.

Anonymous said...

Hey St Pius room 7 ,

That was a great movie I really liked the music in the beggining it was awesome. It had dancing in it. It was detailed and had great shots.

Keep up the great work and I hope to see more movies.#

From Sheales
from Pt England school

Paige said...

Hi room 7,
I love your movies it's so cool. And your singing is like a superstar. I love your music you played you guys really have some talent too. Keep up the great work room 7.

From Paige, From Pt England School

Thida @ PES said...
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Josh B said...

Faith, Hope And Love,The best combination This movie teaches us alot about those three things.

Anonymous said...

Kia ora ko rona ahau. Ka pai au ki tenei waiata. Ka pai au ki te wa i ki kautou faiht,hope and love. No reira ka rawe. Tumeke. Tau Ke! :)

Jimmy said...

Kia ora Ruma 7 Ko taku Ingoa Ko Kiana ahau. He rawe to waiata. Ko wai e mahi te waiata .

Chavda said...

Hi my name is chavda I am from Panmure bridge school I love your song that is called faith in love it look cool.

From chavda

Anonymous said...

Hi I love to say your music and dances are awesome :D :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7 I liked your movie because you guys made a new dance video to the song :)

Mele said...

Hi Room 7 I am Mele and I'm from Panmure Bridge School. I loved the song you guys had used. I love this because I love it how you guys were singing. I also like hwo you guys used backgrounds of people praying.

Keep the great learning up.

From Mele

Sa Kae said...

Hi Room 7, I like the song and your dancing. I think your dancing suit the song.

Eta said...

Hi room 7 love your song, yous have work hard on your
song. Like the background as well.


Anonymous said...

Hello Room 7 I am Setaita from Room 7 Glenbrae school I really like your guys singing
it was in a nice way for faith and love

aiden said...

Sup Room 3 Thanks for puting on a movie about swim safety That Is really nice of you guys

Nazanin said...

Hi Room 7
I liked your guys movie because of the song. It is really nice of you guys to sing.
Keep up the great learning
From Nazanin

Juliet said...

Hi room 7 I like the song that you guys made it's awesome. Your film is really great. Keep it up

Sky said...

Hi room 7
I really like your movie because it is nice and clear and I really like the song.

Sharon said...

I like how you moveis your guys is good . My name is sharon

Avalon said...

I think that this movie was the best that I have seen so far

EWC 1 said...

Hi Room 7,
Faith, Hope and Love. The best combination ever. Good on you guys. One of the the best movies.

From EWC1

Sheales said...

Hi St Pius X School,

Your movie is inspiring and interesting. I didn't know you's do music at your school? If I am wrong just please tell me. At the end of the movie were you's cutting cake? Keep it up.

From Sheales